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Tech Digest Vol.1 Num.3 Cover

Volume 1, Number 3 (July–September 1980)

The Geomagnetic Field and Its Measurement: Introduction and Magnetic Field Satellite (Magsat) Glossary

T. A. Potemra, F. F. Mobley, L. D. Eckard

Overview of the Magsat Program

G. W. Ousley

Magsat Performance Highlights

F. F. Mobley

The Magsat Power System

W. E. Allen

The Magsat Telecommunications System

A. L. Lew, B. C. Moore, J. R. Dozsa, R. K. Burek

The Magsat Attitude Control System

K. J. Heffernan, G. H. Fountain, B. E. Tossman, F. F. Mobley

The Magsat Attitude Determination System

G. H. Fountain, F. W. Schenkel, T. B. Coughlin, C. A. Wingate

The Magsat Magnetometer Boom System

J. F. Smola

The Magsat Scalar Magnetometer

W. H. Farthing

The Magsat Precision Vector Magnetometer

M. H. Acuna

Magsat Scientific Investigations

R. A. Langel

Studies of Auroral Field-Aligned Currents with Magsat

T. A. Potemra


China—As Viewed by an Aerospace Engineer

F. S. Billig


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