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2023 Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Annual Report

Andrea Martin Image

Staff Spotlight

Andrea Martin

Force Projection Sector

In 2021, as she began her retirement process, active-duty Air Force physicist Andrea Martin remained uncertain about her next career move. Then, she learned about the Hiring Our Heroes fellowship program, which helps connect transitioning military personnel to the workforce. APL has participated in the program since 2018.

The fellowship program involves a 12-week trial period for host organizations and fellows to determine whether the assignment is a good match. For Martin, this was the bridge she needed between 22 years serving with the Air Force and the civilian working world.

Thanks to my experience in the Air Force, I can help the Lab by looking at a question or task from the Department of Defense’s or sponsor’s point of view and from a scientist’s point of view.

“The fellowship gave me a head start when it came to learning about APL’s organizational structure, the campus layout and the overall mission,” said Martin.

After 12 weeks at APL, Martin received the news she was hoping for — a job offer as a strategic weapon system analyst in APL’s Force Projection Sector (FPS), supporting nuclear enterprise assessment and cyber resilience projects.

While it took her some time to learn the lingo, the daily workflows, the dress code outside of uniform and other particulars of life in the civilian world, she found that her skills lend themselves well to APL's mission.

“As a scientist and a thinker, I question things,” Martin explained. “Thanks to my experience in the Air Force, I can help the Lab by looking at a question or task from the Department of Defense’s or sponsor’s point of view and from a scientist’s point of view.”

That unique vantage point is imperative to successful partnerships and collaborations at APL. For more than 80 years, the Laboratory has been solving complex research, engineering and analytical problems that present critical challenges to the nation, and a majority of the Laboratory’s efforts support Department of Defense initiatives.

Dente Poland, a longtime leader in FPS, cited the program's value in finding passionate analysts and connecting program needs with talented service members.

“They’ve showed a hunger for solving hard problems requiring deep technical analysis and thought," Poland said. “I’ve also been impressed with the drive of the candidates. They really want to be a part of the team addressing our nation's toughest challenges. One point that makes a big difference these days is that most of the candidates have active security clearances. They can start contributing from day one."

Through the Hiring Our Heroes program, APL has hired 18 full-time staff members. It’s one of several initiatives that the Lab participates in to welcome veterans and cultivate an environment in which they feel comfortable and can excel.

“I’ve been at APL for two years now, and I’ve been able to work with so many great people who are diverse in their thinking, their background, their skill sets and their experiences,” said Martin. “My co-workers are so smart, yet extremely humble and grounded. That combination makes it really easy for me to feel comfortable sharing my ideas and thoughts.”