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Tech Digest Vol.21 Num.2 Cover

Warfare Analysis Part I
Volume 21, Number 2 (April–June 2000)

The development of the Warfare Analysis Laboratory (WAL) is represented from the mechanical Air Battle Analyzer of the 1960s and 1970s, through the more technologically enhanced early versions of the WAL, to the state-of-the-art facility opening at APL in May 2000. The Joint Warfare Analysis Department (JWAD) and its predecessor, the Naval Warfare Analysis Department, have used the increasing capabilities of the WAL to expand APL's capabilities to conduct complex analytical studies. In the past, studies have focused on topics such as requirements development, concept evaluation, simulation, and planning. Many JWAD studies apply Warfare Analysis Laboratory Exercises (WALEXs) at key decision points to bring military operators, decision makers, and APL analysts into a collaborative environment that stimulates insights and discussion.

Guest Editor's Introduction

D. K. Pace


A Retrospective on Warfare Analysis at APL

D. K. Pace and R. E. Gingras

An Approach to Joint Warfare Analysis

S. M. Biemer and D. J. O'Brien

Laying the Foundation for Successful Systems Engineering

F. R. Skolnick and P. G. Wilkins


APL's Warfare Analysis Laboratory: Applications and Accomplishments

R. E. Gingras

The WALEX Process

J. M. Nolen

Warfare Analysis Laboratory 2000

R. J. Dean

Ballistic Missile Defense WALEXs Collaborative Examination of Requirements

K. Kohri and D. W. Amann

Air-Directed Surface-to-Air Missile Study Methodology

H. T. Kauderer

Air Force WALEX Applications

J. F. Keane, K. Kohri, D. W. Amann, and D. L. Clark

Developing Battlefield-Supportable Systems Through Interactive Seminars: A Biological Defense System Example

K. Kohri


Theater Ballistic Missile Defense Analyses

W. J. Pavalko, K. R. Chevli, and M. F. Monius

Future Undersea Warfare Perspectives

J. R. Benedict, Jr.

Mine Countermeasures Requirements to Support Future Operational Maneuver

G. W. Pollitt

Linking Warfighting and Logistics

C. H. Sinex, S. A. Basile, W. A. Sellers, D. W. Kerchner, and T. C. Gion


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