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Tech Digest Vol.29 Num.1 Cover

Homing Missile Guidance and Control
Volume 29, Number 1 (2010)

This issue of the Technical Digest features articles detailing homing missile guidance and control techniques. Homing missiles, which have played an increasingly important role in warfare since the end of World War II, guide themselves to intercept targets that can maneuver unpredictably, such as enemy aircraft or anti-ship cruise missiles. To accomplish this intercept, an onboard sensor provides target data on which guidance decisions are based; this process is referred to as homing guidance. This issue of the Digest discusses guided missiles that make use of an onboard sensor to home in on the target and, specifically, the related flight control and homing guidance concepts employed in such systems.

Guest Editor’s Introduction: Homing Missile Guidance and Control

Neil F. Palumbo

Overview of Missile Flight Control Systems

Paul B. Jackson

Basic Principles of Homing Guidance

Neil F. Palumbo, Ross A. Blauwkamp, and Justin M. Lloyd

Modern Homing Missile Guidance Theory and Techniques

Neil F. Palumbo, Ross A. Blauwkamp, and Justin M. Lloyd

Guidance Filter Fundamentals

Neil F. Palumbo, Gregg A. Harrison, Ross A. Blauwkamp, and Jeffrey K. Marquart

Six-Degree-of-Freedom Digital Simulations for Missile Guidance, Navigation, and Control

Patricia A. Hawley and Ross A. Blauwkamp

Tuning Missile Guidance and Control Algorithms Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation

Brian E. Reardon, Justin M. Lloyd, and Ron Y. Perel