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Tech Digest Vol.26 Num.1 Cover

Research and Development
Volume 26, Number 1 (January–March 2005)

Research and development at APL covers a full circle of scientific, engineering, and technical activities from around the Laboratory and beyond. The authors of the articles in this issue reside in seven APL departments, and there are several external co-authors. The articles describe some of APL’s work in applied research (information retrieval, optimization techniques and resource access), technology (laser-based ultrasonics), biomedical research (laser eye safety, pain sensation and wound characterization), and injury prevention biomechanics (crash-induced neck injuries and non-penetrating bullet wounds).


The HAIRCUT Information Retrieval System

J. Mayfield and P. McNamee

Discrete Stochastic Approximation with Application to Resource Allocation

S. D. Hill

Scientific Resource Access System: A Concept for Getting “Living With a Star” Information to Do Science

R. A. Daley, E. A. Immer, B. I. Fortner, and M. B. Weiss


Laser-Based Ultrasonics: Applications at APL

D. W. Blodgett and K. C. Baldwin


Laser Eye Safety Research at APL

R. L. McCally, C. B. Bargeron, J. A. Bonney-Ray, and W. R. Green

Neural Mechanisms of Hyperalgesia After Tissue Injury*

R. A. Meyer, M. Ringkamp, J. N. Campbell, and S. N. Raja

Development of a Thermal and Hyperspectral Imaging System for Wound Characterization and Metabolic Correlation

M. H. Chen, C. W. Kerechanin II, D. G. Greenspan, T. B. Criss, S. C. Franckowiak, J. A. Vincent, and R. S. Pattay


The Effects of Head-Supported Mass on the Risk of Neck Injury in Army Personnel

A. C. Merkle, M. Kleinberger, and O. M. Uy

Modeling Nonpenetrating Ballistic Impact on a Human Torso

J. C. Roberts, P. J. Biermann, J. V. O’Connor, E. E. Ward, R. P. Cain, B. G. Carkhuff, and A. C. Merkle


Publications, Conferences with Proceedings, Presentations, and Colloquia

Compiled by L. M. Mercer